/Privacy Notice
Privacy Notice 2018-05-23T11:50:39+01:00

Privacy Notice

This privacy statement sets out how Sirius OS Ltd collects, handles and shares your personal data and what provisions we have in place to protect your information.

Any personal data of yours that we handle will be processed in accordance with all applicable data protection laws.  With effect from 25 May 2018, this will be known as General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”).

Information we may collect

The information about you we may collect and process is below:

Part A – Information collected and processed for confirming your job role as specified by your agency is as follows, but not limited to:

  • Title
  • Your Name
  • Your Address
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Telephone Numbers

Part B – Information required to pass to your employer to process your weekly payroll:

  • Passport
  • Permits & Visas
  • Date of Birth
  • National Insurance Number
  • Bank Details – Sort Code and Account Number
  • Job Title
  • Nationality
  • A log of our communications with you by email and telephone

This information will have been provided, or will be provided, by you or a third party who we work with, Such as another employment business or agency.


How we use the information

We endeavour to protect your data and only use for the purposes outlined below:

The information outlined in part A may be used as follows:

  • To Contact you to confirm details required for payment weekly
  • Any contact necessary for payment
  • To Qualify you for employment with one of our pre-checked suppliers.

The information outlined in Part B may be used as follows:

  • To establish that you have the right to work.
  • To ensure contractual arrangements and documentation can be put in place.


How we hold the information

All the personal data we collect on behalf of the employer is securely stored on databases within the UK.

Disclosure of your information

Personal data shall not be transferred to a country or territory outside the EEA.

Our trusted third parties that we share your data with have all completed a rigorous due diligence checklist and have proved to be fully compliant within UK Law.

What is the legal basis for processing the information?

Once you have been placed within a job role by your agency and we have collected relevant information. We are then required to pass your data onto your employer to process this for your weekly payroll.

Under GDPR we uphold your privacy and keep / process your data under the following legal basis –

Legitimate Interests:

It is reasonably expected for us to process your data to qualify you for employment and assign you an employer with the correct insurances and procedures to complete your weekly payroll needs. The processing of your data is necessary in order for the completion of our contractual agreement with yourselves/ your agency / end supplier.

We ensure that your rights and interests are fully considered and protected.


We have a contractual agreement and obligation with your agency to seek employment for your work completed.

Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party – Article 6 (1)(b)


Your rights

You have the right at any time to request any and all information held within a system about you. Should you have any queries in relation to your personal data please contact gdpr@sossol.co.uk

Retention of your data

Your data is not retained by Sirius OS. Once we have completed pre-employment checks all personal information is passed onto your employer to process weekly.

Withdrawal Information / Personal data

Your data is currently held by your employer under legal basis for processing payroll. Should you wish to withdraw your personal data at any time, please contact gdpr@Sossol.co.uk and we will pass your request onto your employers.

Should you wish to contact your employer directly please do so in writing.

Concerns / Contact

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting your personal data, you should raise your concern with us – please contact us on gdpr@Sossol.co.uk


Changes to the Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be changed by us at any time.